The Director General Mr. Hadi Saidi, participated in the Conference for Capacity Development for Better Data organized by PARIS21 and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), which was held in Paris - France during January 13-14, 2020 which discussed new approaches to developing statistical capabilities for improving data, in the presence of representatives from national statistical offices NSOs, UN organization development cooperation agencies, governments, and the private sector to share their experiences of implementing new approaches towards statistical capacity development.
The key objectives of the meeting are to:
On the sidelines of the conference, Mr. Saidi, held a number of bilateral meetings with some of the participating organizations for the aim of increasing cooperation, technical, and financial supporting. In the context of implementing its work program for 2020 or contributing in the near term accordance with the AITRS 2020-2024 strategy. Where the meeting was held with Ms. Millicent Gay Tejada, the regional program coordinator in Paris 21 for the Asia-Pacific region, where it was agreed to provide support for organizing three activities organized by the AITRS in cooperation with Paris 21 during the year 2020, centered on: visualizing and disseminating data according to new methodologies; workshop on the national strategy for developing Statistics within the NSDS development goals; and the leadership statistical training workshop.
Mr. Saidi also met with His Excellency the Director General of the National Bureau of Statistics in Algeria and they discussed further support for cooperation in the field of capacity development and the Institute's contribution to developing statistical work through field visits and statistical consultations in the Office in the Algerian Republic.
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