local training course in the field of "CPC and its linkage with ISIC4"
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Sunday, March 25, 2018

At the request of the Central Statistical Organization of the Republic of Iraq, the Institute organized a local training course in the field of "CPC and its linkage with ISIC4" at the headquarter of the Central Statistical Organization in Baghdad during the period 25-29 March 2018. 

The workshop aimed at developing skills and abilities in the field of CPC and its link with (ISIC4) to produce internationally comparable data for statistics on goods, services and assets; improve coordination between the various fields of economic statistics and related statistics; and enhance the role of national accounts as a tool for the coordination of economic statistics. Sixteen employees in the following fields: industrial statistics, foreign trade, national accounts, prices, and agricultural statistics attended the course. 

The topics covered in the training course were industry statistics, foreign trade, publishing standards as well as the practical side. The skills gained by the participants are expected to help them in applying the classification for the purpose of improving the quality of data on goods, services and assets, gaining experience in the international classifications especially CPC and enhancing performance level in this area. The training was carried out by Mr.Hossam Khalifa from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics.

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