First meeting of the Statistical Capacity Building Subcommittee
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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

AITRS, represented by Mr. Hayder Al Janabi, the IT coordinator at the Institute, participated in the first meeting of the Statistical Capacity Building Subcommittee, which was organized at the headquarter of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States which took place in Cairo on 10-11 May 2017.  The meeting program included the proposals by the Arab States to identify the functions of the Capacity Building Committee, the strategy of statistical training at the statistical offices, how to prepare a training strategy, the role of human resources in the training process and how to benefit from the e training.  The meeting also discussed the results of the analysis of the survey questionnaire that has been prepared by the development team for the joint Arab statistical work. AITRS analyzed the data of this survey, extracted the results and wrote up the study report.


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