Mr. Abdul Aziz Maalmi, Director General of the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistical (AITRS), participated in the meeting of the Strategic Advisory Board of the Arab Development Portal (ADP) of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) held in Beirut / Lebanon on September 4, 2018. His attendance was in his personal capacity as a Board member.
The objective of the Board meeting is to provide a feedback on the ADP strategic path and advice on the future and sustainability of the Portal through long-term goals to make it evolve to reflect the changing needs of users as a central platform for data on the Arab region.
In addition to the introductory presentation of the ADP by its team leader, Mrs. Farah Choucair , presentations were made on several issues related to how to improve the competitive advantage and added value of the portal as well as its strategic development and sustainability. Within this context, Mr. Maalmi gave a comprehensive presentation in which he focused on the following topics:
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