AITRS, participated in Inter-agency and Expert Group Meeting on Improving Disability Statistics in the Sustainable Development Goal which has been held in Cairo, during the period 18 - 20 September 2018 which was attended by a large number of participants representing statisticians from the Arab NSOs, data users and policy makers in ministries and organizations for persons with disabilities in the Arab States (13 states attended and 9 states abstained), as well as representatives of seven United Nations organizations and the Arab League.
The meeting held for three days and included a number of sessions of which are: global and regional guidelines to improve disability statistics; implementing the Washington Group questions on functioning in the Arab region; effective use of statistics in policy making and monitoring; disability indicators in SDGs and other development indicators; developing a disability indicator framework by demography, institutions, empowerment, and poverty; methods to produce disaggregated cross‐tabulated analysis; developing a disability indicator framework by health and violence; field work training needs; developing a disability indicator framework by education and employment; terms of reference of CASA/ESCWA Group on disability statistics: a proposal; developing a disability indicator framework for accessibility and sustainable cities; Arab SDG disability indicator framework; and experiences from seven Arab countries on the use of Washington Group questions in their censuses and surveys.
The representative of the Institute Dr. Issa Masarweh has an interventions during the sessions of the meeting about the Institute's activities in raising the capacity of statisticians working in the Arab statistical devices (including e-training workshop in 2015 around Washington Group framework)And through regional training in both urban and virtual, and induvial training, counseling and / or study visits or exploratory.It was also an opportunity to discuss with the representatives of the organizations present on the training needs in the Arab countries in measuring indicators of sustainable development and how to work with the Institute to meet them within the framework of its training programs for 2019 and beyond.
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