AITRS Board of Trustees convened in its forty-third session
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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

AITRS Board of Trustees convened in its forty-third session in the Jordanian capital of Amman during the period of 7-8 November 2018 under the patronage of Her Excellency the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation (MoPIC) of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Dr. Mary Kawar, with the presence of the Board chairman and members or their representatives in addition to AITRS admin staff.

During the opening session, the MoPIC welcomed the Board members and expressed her happiness for participating in opening the session which comes at a delicate stage that is full of challenges and developments that require a focus and attention on an accurate statistical information and need to activate the regional and international partnership as a basis for Arab cooperation. This will positively reflect on bridging the data gap in our Arab region and consequently supports the development process in our Arab world. She concluded by stressing the continued patronage of AITRS by the Jordanian government to best performing its mission as well as assisting AITRS to achieve its objectives towards strengthening the statistical capacity of employees of the Arab statistical offices.

Mr. Mustafa Saad Badawi, representative of the head of the Central Office for Public Mobilization and Statistics in the Arabic Republic of Egypt, as the leaving president of the Board, welcomed the Minister of PIC of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and thanked her for opening this meeting. He also welcomed the Board members and audience and thanked the Jordanian Government for its support and hosting AITRS as well as patronizing its activities, meetings and needs. In his speech, he also addressed the importance of the joint Arab statistical cooperation through the exchange of experiences and praised the role of AITRS in the embodiment of this cooperation through strengthening the statistical capacities of the Arab NSOs staff.

Mr. Abdelaziz Maalmi, Director General of AITRS, welcomed the meeting’s patron and heads and representatives of the Arab statistical offices as well as guests. He also reviewed the history of the Arab statistical work and the challenges facing it as well as the aspired achievements and ambitions at all levels.  He also showed the role of AITRS in serving the Arab statistical cooperation and finally thanked the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for supporting AITRS throughout the period of his administration. He also thanked all those who cooperated with AITRS to improve the Arab statistical system to respond to the requirements of the stage of engaging in the dissemination of sustainable development data and mobilizing resources as hoped and required.

After handing over the presidency during the first session by the representative of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Mr. Mustafa Saad Badawi, to the representative of the Kingdom of Morocco, Dr. Thami Abdul Khaliq, and  designating the representative of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania as Vice-President for 2019, the Board convened in closed doors to elect a new director general based on the recommendation of the sub-committee assigned by the Board, under the chairmanship of Saudi Arabia and the membership of Egypt and Lebanon, which worked on the rehabilitation of the candidates for this position. The discussion and voting resulted in appointing Mr. Hadi Ben Nasr Saeedi (the candidate of Tunisia) as the General Director of AITRS for a period of four years starting from 01/01/2019.

The Board also discussed and approved the report of the Director General on the functioning of AITRS during the year 2018; the external auditor's report; AITRS proposed program for 2019 including the initial approval for the preparation of a strategic plan for the period 2020-2024; AITRS budget for 2019; as well as other decisions including the date and venue for the next session of 2019.

At the closing session, the Board thanked Mr. Abdelaziz Maalmi, the X-DG of AITRS for his efforts during his administration and thanked the Jordanian MoPIC for patronizing the Board meeting and Jordan Department of Statistics for supporting it too. The Board also thanked the president of the forty-second session for the great efforts he made in overseeing AITRS affairs and praised the good performance of AITRS in the implementation of its programs and the preparation and organization of this meeting.

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