The Director-General, Mr. Hedi Saidi, participated in the meeting of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) at its 13th session in Beirut / Lebanon during the period 29-30 January 2019. The objective was to establish a committee to follow up the progress of member states in developing their statistical systems, and to provide technical advice, propose training programs and organize workshops and seminars to strengthen their statistical capacity. It also assists member states in the standardization of national statistics for more comparability at the regional and international levels, and supports them in coordinating statistical data and information with the UN Statistical Commission and with other member countries, particularly in surveys and censuses.
The meeting focused on the importance of cooperation, integration and coordination between AITRS and those concerned with statistical work in the Arab world, especially in the field of training.
The Director General of the Institute met with the Director of the ESCWA Statistics Division, Mr. Yuri Rikan, and the ESCWA staff on January 28, 2019, to discuss the work programs of ESCWA and the Institute in order to unify the efforts and raise the challenges. It has been agreed to organize some training courses together and review the addresses of others In order to find a solid ground that will provide a platform for deeper engagement.
During his visit to the Central Administration of Statistics in the Republic of Lebanon, Mr. Al Hedi Al Saidi met with member of the Board of Trustees for the Institute and Director General of the Central Administration of Statistics of Lebanon Dr. Maral Tutelian, where they discussed several issues of interest to the Institute and Arab statistical agencies Her Excellency appreciated the Institute's important role in statistical capacity-building.
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