Mr. Hedi El Saidi, Director General of the Institute, participated in the meetings of the 50th Session of the United Nations Statistical Commission in New York City during the period 5-8 March 2019, held at the United Nations Building. Several side meetings also held on the sidelines of this session, including in particular the meeting of the Global Network of Institutions for Statistical Training (GIST) that AITRS is one of the Founders of this institute .The discussion focused on the future of the network and how it was managed and expanded to include supporters and donors, as well as proposing new topics for trading during the current year and distributing them to members.
The Institute also attended the Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting, which focused on raising statistical capacity to serve the goals of sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDGS) and the need for coordination among them to guide technical and financial interventions to those who deserve it and to unify efforts to help countries overcome key challenges at the level of statistical data delivery and follow-up with the reports of SDGS 2030. AITRS also attended the Forum for the Future of Economic Statistics and the High-Level Forum on Financing Statistics organized by the United Nations Statistics Division.
Mr. Hadi held several bilateral meetings with heads of statistical bodies and directors of international and regional organizations, in particular providing material and logistical support for the implementation of the Institute's 2019 training programs to raise the capacity of Arab statistical agencies. A meeting was also held with Paris 21 on the initiation of the preparation of the Institute's 2020-2024 strategy once it was agreed to proceed with the actual preparation by providing all documentation related to the project.
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