The role of population censuses in providing indicators of sustainable development Goals
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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Director General of AITRS Dr. Hadi AL Saidi participated in the regional conference organized by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) entitled "The role of population censuses in providing indicators of sustainable development Goals”  in the presence of the Regional Director of the United Nations Population Fund in Cairo, Dr. Louai Shabana" And the international statistical organizations. The Director General of the Institute was involved in how to achieve Population censuses in the difficult circumstances of countries and the role of population censuses in following up the implementation of SDGS. Mr. Al-Hadi presented an Intervention to the subject as a former Director-General of a statistical system that was completed in exceptional circumstances as well as a general manager of a regional organization working in the field of statistics and providing technical support to the Arab statistical agencies. He explained the central role of censuses in providing a solid sampling base for demographic surveys As well as data on small areas as well as population projections that rely exclusively on census results.

Also said that the completion of censuses in countries in difficulties must be based on careful planning and clear programming for all stages of the census, including extrapolating to the possible field problems and anticipating a practical emergency plan to be carried out in a participatory framework between all security, army and civil society interlocutors.

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