The Institute participated in the work of the second meeting of the Sub-Committee for Statistical Capacity Building, organized by the Department of Statistics and databases in the Secretariat of the League of Arab States, the meeting held at the headquarters of the Secretariat during the period April 17 to 18.
The meeting was opened by Ms. Nadia Al-Shatawi, Director of Statistics and Information Systems Department, welcoming the participants. She thanked the Arab statistical agencies for their participation through representatives, presentations and discussions during the meeting. The representative of Palestine was elected to chair the meeting the representative of Egypt was chosen as the rapporteur for the meeting. The meeting was attended by 22 participants representing most of the Arab statistical agencies as well as the Institute as a member of the committee.
Information Technology Supervisor at the Institute, Mr. Haidar Al-Janabi presented three presentations. The first was about the Institute's experience in training and distance education, and the second presentation entitled Using technical means in disseminating indicators of sustainable development, the third presentation on the study by the Institute analyzed the questionnaire about developed joint Arab statistical work distributed by the Department of Statistics and databases in the Secretariat.
The agenda of the meeting included the following main items:
- Presenting the experiences of Arab countries in building statistical capacity for the production of sustainable development indicators 2030, which included Jordan, Oman, Palestine and Egypt.
- Building an expert base that includes the Arab expertise available in Arab statistical agencies in order to benefit from the transfer of expertise and the organization of training courses in cooperation with training centers or regional and international organizations.
- Presentation of pioneering experiments in the field of statistical work where the representative of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics in Egypt presented a paper on documenting, archiving and publishing statistical surveys.
- Discussion of the agenda items of the fortieth meeting of the Standing Technical Committee for Statistics.
- The agenda of the third meeting of the committee, which will be held under the title of building and developing statistical capacities in areas related to the goals of sustainable development. The themes will include (experiences of countries, opportunities, challenges, initiatives)
A number of recommendations have been made, most notably
- Taking advantage of the distance-learning platform used by the Institute to hold training courses for Arab statistical agencies.
- To confirm the holding of training courses approved by the Permanent Technical Committee for Statistics on how to use international standards in the process of producing indicators of sustainable development.
- Addressing the General Secretariat of the Arab statistical agencies to submit priority topics for discussion at future meetings of this committee and selecting priority topics.
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