Director General of the Institute, Mr. El Hadi El Saidi participated in the second meeting of the Arab Working Group for the design a matrix of innovation Arab creativity indicators organized by the Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science (ALECSO) in cooperation with the Jordanian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science during the period 22 to 23 April current in the Jordanian capital Amman.
The Director-General headed the work of the first day, which focused on Observatory of ALECSO and the sequence of history of its inception and objectives to be the official reference to the indicators, education statistics, culture and science at the Arab level In addition to a presentation by ESCWA on the features of innovation in the Arab world, which presented the lesson to the reality of this vital area in the Arab countries through the provision of many indicators and data available at the international level.
The participants endorsed the indicators matrix as a unified Arab framework in which ALECSO will work in the coming period to prepare an Arab report to be distributed to the States, with the possibility of amending this matrix if necessary. During the discussion of the presentations and interventions, Mr. El-Hadi praised the achievements of Arab countries in identifying the situation in this area, which is still in need of support, development and continuous work to reach a matrix of indicators capable of producing reports and studies that can be consulted.
He also stressed on the need and demands of the Organization for official data that is requested to be able to perform its task to the fullest, and work on standardization methodologies and classification and methods of calculation and dissemination in the work of the Observatory in order to play its role in the best way. He also stressed on the need to develop a guide for indicators, which would consist mainly of a unified and detailed index, so that it would be measured, calculated and compared to States in a smooth manner.
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