Arab Network for pastoral communities meeting
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Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Institute participated in the meeting of the Arab Network of Pastoral Communities in the activities of the regional axis for the project of sound ecosystems for rangeland development organized by the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development and the International Union for the Protection of Nature (West Asia Office) in Amman - Jordan during the period 29-30 April 2019.The aim of the meeting is to strengthen coordination and cooperation in the areas of natural resources development and to promote synergies to achieve common objectives in the sustainable development of resources and pastoral societies in the Arab countries. The Arab Network for the Sustainable Management of Pastoral Resources will be established. A number of recommendations emerged from the meeting, focusing in particular on:

1. Uniting efforts between the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) and the International Union for the Protection of Nature (IUCN), and making a real impression on pastoral societies.

2. Government consensus and community-based NGOs to achieve SDGs

3. Implementation of joint projects / through the formation of joint committees.

4. Support the network through the activities of the organization and its future programs, whether beekeeping, goat breeding, buffalo breeding, water collection wells, mountain lakes, dairy complexes, Avat control

5. Expand the base of participants in the network and official members.

6. Adopting a plan of action for the network and organizing its work.

7. Adoption of a clear mechanism for participation in membership.

8. Encourage participation of Arab and international finance institutions in the activities of the network

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