As part of the follow-up to the implementation of SDGs and their alignment with the 1994 ICPD outcomes, a set of 39 indicators of SDGs were selected in 2015, divided into 12 targets, and the agreement as it translates the reality of the Arab countries in the relevant fields and form a unified Arab framework to measure progress in this area and compare it with the recommendations and outputs of various demographic conferences at the international and regional levels.
The Arab Institute for Training and Statistical Research AITRS, in collaboration with UNFPA / Arab World Office in Cairo, will organize a training course on 26-27 June 2019 in Amman / Jordan aimed at strengthening the capacities of the Arab statistical agencies in (39 indicators) related to demographic, social and basic issues through the presentation of the manual prepared and updated by AITRS to monitor and report on these indicators.
Expected Outcomes:
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