Participation of the Director General of AITRS in the "European Development Days" held in Brussels during the period 18-19 June 2019
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Monday, July 1, 2019


At the invitation of the Expertise France and the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies in France, the Director General of the Institute participated in the "European Development Days" held in Brussels during the period 18-19  June 2019, Where the European Bureau of Statistics, the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies of France and AITRS and Expertise France organized a high-level panel discussion on "Development and the fight against inequality through good statistics.",

A number of topics have been addressed, including the challenges facing national statistical systems to exploit new sources of information, such as Big Data, open data, the role of new technologies and ensuring their use in pursuing Sustainable Development Goals; Statistical support and give attention necessary to be able to continue its central role in assisting policy-makers and decision-makers in the planning and development; statistical product contribution to the inequality and reduce them and help to take the appropriate decision in this; the role of international and regional cooperation in statistical capacity-building and help statistical agencies in capacity To provide sustainable development goals

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