The Director General of the Institute, Mr. El Hadi El Saidi, participated in the Regional Workshop on Monitoring Social Expenditures in the Arab Countries held by the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), in Beirut, 24-25 June 2019.
This workshop aims to review the project of monitoring social expenditure, which was developed by ESCWA after a series of meetings with some countries and the agreement on dimensions and indicators to design the social spending framework with emphasis on adapting it to national contexts and providing the statistics on a permanent basis, In addition to agreeing on the next steps towards implementing this framework for Arab countries, including cooperation with key partners.
At the second session, the Director-General contributed as a speaker on the experiences of Latin American and European countries and presented the Institute's view on data needs and statistical capacity support. The Director General chaired a scientific session on the monitoring of social spending in Tunisia and the challenges facing the statistical system to measure and monitor social spending. The Director General of the Institute met with a number of participating experts to discuss what could benefit from raising capacities in the statistical fields of the Arab statistical agencies.
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