On the occasion of the conclusion of the workshop, AITRS expresses its thanks to all those who contributed to organizing the regional training workshop on the follow-up and reporting on indicators of sustainable development 2030, based on the ICPD Program of Action in the Arab Region during the period 26-27 June 2019 In Amman, Jordan, in cooperation with the UNFPA Regional Office for Arab States. We also extend our thanks also to all the participants and lecturers for their efforts to contribute to the tremendous development of the manual guide, which was prepared by the Institute, domesticate it when preparing national reports for follow-up and monitoring of the SDGs. The importance of this workshop is due to the need of the Arab statistical offices for more knowledge and training especially in the light of the increasing needs for statistical data and indicators in all fields to ensure monitoring, reporting, Where a series of working papers were presented by experts from the AITRS,UNFPA, ESCWA and UNESCO. The workshop included eight technical sessions that dealt with demographic, health, educational and social services.
It should be noted that it was agreed in 2015 between the various regional and international organizations in the Arab space on the choice of 39 indicator spread over 12 goals of SDGs, as they translate the reality of the Arab countries into relevant fields and form a unified Arab framework for measuring progress in this area. And comparing the recommendations and outputs of the various population and demographic conferences at the international and regional level.
Presented at the workshop Mr. Abdullah Al-Zoubi and Ms. Ghada Diab from UNFPA Regional Office for Arab States, , Director General of the institute and Dr. Issa Masarweh from AITRS Mr. Ismail Labd from ESCWA and via Skype Mr. Talal Hourani from UNESCO. The workshop was attended by 30 participants from Arab statistical agencies, UNFPA offices in the Arab States, ESCWA and the Higher Council for Population in Jordan.
The Institute renews its thanks to UNFPA Regional Office for Arab States for confidence in the Institute's capabilities for further fruitful cooperation and continuous coordination to support the capacities of the Arab statistical agencies in fields of mutual interest.
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