monitoring and reporting on health indicators within the framework of the SDGs 2030
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Thursday, August 8, 2019

8th  of August 2019 AITRS concluded a three-day workshop on monitoring and reporting on health indicators within the framework of the SDGs 2030.This workshop was organized in cooperation with the Arab Development Portal of the United Nations Development Program - Bureau of Arab States to familiarize participants with health indicators, SDGs and ways to meet their needs for measurement and periodic reporting by national statistical offices in cooperation and coordination with other official and private national institutions. The workshop aimed to:

  • Inform participants of relevant health indicators under the SDGs 2030 and enhance their knowledge of their concepts and definitions as well as their metadata, goals, data sources and methods of calculation;
  • Participants are aware of the overlap between the efforts of regional and global organizations and the imperative to coordinate among them, especially since there are 19 of the 39 indicators based on the ICPD Program of Action 1994;
  • Provide workshop participants with an approved definition of health indicators under the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly those under Goal 3: “Ensure healthy lives and well-being for all at all ages”, all under the exclusive auspices of WHO or partner with other organizations;
  • Inform participants of other SDG indicators related to health issues, of which WHO plays an important role in its production.

The workshop was activated by the economic expert Ahmed Rashad from the UNDP-Regional Bureau for Arab States .The-training method was adopted to offer theoretical lectures and presentations as well as interactive discussions via the Internet and view the experiences of some countries participating in the workshop.

The workshop was attended by 36 participants from 13 Arab countries   Participated from them 26 participants from statistical offices and ministries of health.


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