Received on Monday 19/8/2019 at the headquarters of the Institute, Dr. Khalaf Aqla Director of Observatories and Dr. Sami Zyoud Chief financial Officer of the Organization
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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Within the framework of the implementation of the agreement signed between the Arab Institute for Training and Statistical Research and the Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science last July at the headquarters of the organization in Tunisia, the Director General of the Institute Mr. Hedi Saidi received on Monday 19/8/2019 at the headquarters of the Institute, Dr. Khalaf Aqla Director of Observatories and Dr. Sami Zyoud Chief financial Officer of the Organization, Where the two sides across the satisfaction with the level of cooperation and coordination between the two organizations in areas related to capacity and support research in statistics and all related fields, including in particular the support of countries in crisis and its members tutor program. Organization Representatives stressed the pivotal role adopted by the Institute in the field of building and upgrading capacities in the Arab world and its openness to the Arab and regional organizations to unify efforts and invest the limited potential placed on them. The Director General of the Institute stressed the need to implement and download the agreement on the ground in accordance with a clear implementation program. In this context, some activities related to statistics of education, culture and scientific research and the preparation of guides to collect data will be organized during the coming period.

Mr. Al-Hadi stressed that the institute puts its accumulated experience over more than four decades to serve all organizations in the Arab world in the field of building and upgrading statistical capabilities and helping Arab countries to upgrade their statistical systems in accordance with international standards.

Mr. Hadi welcomed the idea of involving the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics for the preparation of a periodic report to be published by the organization on the reality of education in the Arab world.

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