Regional Workshop On The Preparation Strategy Of The Arab Institute for Training and Statistical Research 2020 ~ 2024
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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The regional workshop on the preparation strategy of the Arab Institute for Training and Statistical Research 2020 ~ 2024, which is part of the implementation the resolutions for the Board of Trustees in the previous year, was launched in Amman on 26/8/2019 in cooperation with Paris 21. Mr. Hadi Al-Saidi, Director General of the Institute, expressed the importance of strategies and work plans in light of the lack of financial and human resources in addition to the increasing interest in raising capacities in all areas related to statistics. He praised the role of Paris 21-Organization in the preparation of national and regional strategies for the development of official statistics, especially the efforts made at the Arab level to prepare national strategies as well as quickly respond to the request of the Institute in this area. Among Director General of the Institute and Paris 21 focused on the work during the last period on compilation of data and documents related to the Arab statistical agencies and their needs for training and development, and legitimately in the preparation of the initial report on the methodology used and the diagnosis.

In her speech, the representative stressed Paris 21 welcome dealing with an Arab regional organization to prepare its strategy in accordance with the methodology followed by 21, the first time the initiative Paris 21 this work with a regional organization, also indicated that cooperation with the Institute comes convinced of the important role played AITRS in raising the capacity and contributing to the development of statistics in the Arab region as well as to build strong relations with the Arab world in the work of Paris 21 through the Institute's portal in addition to the adoption of the framework CD4.0 developed by the Organization.

This workshop was attended by experts from statistical agencies who have extensive experience in the field of strategic planning in Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Tunisia, Palestine and Jordan.

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