Census Experts Group Meeting In 2020 of the Republic of Iraq 22-24 September 2019
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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

AITRS participated in organizing the meeting of experts of the census team in the Republic of Iraq, which was held in Amman, Jordan during the period 22-24 September, where experts from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) presented the general steps of the census process and the methodologies adopted internationally according to the recommendations of the United Nations.

The meeting also included a presentation actions taken by the Iraqi Central Bureau of Statistics in the formation of the census team headed by the Minister of Planning and membership of two directors in the Ministry of Planning and the Cabinet added a number of relevant ministries and government bodies, And the designation of the sub-committees and define the tasks of each committee, where presentations showed the formation of a special team of ICT and team special maps and air media team in addition to the census team.All teams working the problem through the operating room at the Central Bureau of Statistics.

The program of the meeting included the presentation of the experience of the Arab Republic of Egypt in the 2017 census organized electronically. Where it is planned to census Iraq electronically during the year 2020, the meeting dealt with the challenges facing the census as a result of the changing circumstances experienced by Iraq, which may require some additional procedures or the use of new methods in the process of counting and the work of the researcher in the field.

The Director General of the Institute attended the meeting sessions and made observations concerning the census phases, reinforced by the practical examples that faced the Tunisian census, which was conducted during his administration of the National Statistical Institute in Tunisia. The meeting was attended by 30 participants from the Central Statistical Organization and the Kurdistan Statistical Organization, in addition to professors of IT specialists and experts from the Ministry of Communications.

During the final session and after discussing the details of what was presented during the meeting, the participants came up with a number of recommendations that aim to make the census a success and raise the quality of statistics that serve the community and policy makers in the development of various social and economic sectors.

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