Regional Meeting On the planning and implementation of Surveys Prevalence of Violence Against Women in the Arab region
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Thursday, October 17, 2019

AITRS participated in the regional meeting On the planning and implementation of surveys Prevalence of violence against women in the Arab region held in Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt on 15 October 2019 and organized by the United Nations Statistics Division in cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics and the National Council for Women UN Women With the participation of statistical agencies in the Arab countries.

The meeting aims to achieve knowledge of national statistical offices and mechanisms concerned with women's issues and concern group in the Arab region on measuring violence against women, in line with the methodological and ethical standards universally agreed, as identified the urgent need to strengthen the knowledge base for all forms of violence against women. As many countries lack reliable data or updated quality, we must strengthen the links between the global, regional and national efforts to improve data about violence against women. And activation of programs, policies and identify challenges to measure violence against women in the Arab region as well as to work on the exchange of good practices and lessons learned on surveys of violence against women among the participants.

The representative of the Institute intervention during the meeting on AITRS role in the promotion and development of statistical capacity at the level of statistical offices in the Arab countries and the ministries concerned and the mechanism of coordination and cooperation with regional organizations to increase the efficiency of training and achieve the desired objectives by building a qualified staff to monitor the goals of sustainable development, especially related surveys spread of violence Against women.

The workshop, which will last until Thursday, 17 October, will be attended by participants from statistical agencies in the Arab countries as well as experts from many international and regional organizations interested in this field.

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