The 8th Session of the Statistical Commission of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Director General of the Institute participated in the activities of the eighth session of the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries "SESRIC", in Ankara, Turkey during the period from 23 to 24 October 2019. It has been Browse many statistical subjects including essentially a report on the follow-up to the implementation of the recommendations and decisions of the Committee at its seventh meeting and interventions and presentations of international standards and exchange of country experiences on electronic data collection in population and housing censuses, agricultural censuses and techniques as well as the development of national statistics on migration systems.

On the sidelines of the session, the Director General of the Institute met with Mr. Nabil Dabour, Director General of SESRIC, and discussed a number of issues of common interest mainly related to strengthening the capacities of Member States in the statistical field and the need to unify efforts to provide technical assistance to countries with a focus on those countries that know difficulties in providing Necessary Statistics. It was also confirmed that Mr. Nabil Dabour would attend the activities of Board of Trustees 44th meeting that will be held during the first week of November, were new strategy will be presented to the Institute for the coming period.

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