The 44th Meeting of AITRS Board of Trustees was held in Amman-Jordan during the period from 4-5 November 2019 In the presence of the Chairman and members of the Board of Trustees or their representatives and observers for the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) and the Center for Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and Paris 21. A workshop was held on the sidelines of this meeting on 3/11/2019 in the framework of preparing a new strategy for the Institute 2020-2024 in cooperation with Paris 21.
Mr. Hadi Saedi, Director General of AITRS, delivered a speech in which he welcomed the heads of statistical agencies and members of delegations, especially those attending the meeting for the first time and all invited guests, and reiterated his thanks to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for hosting the Institute and all those who cooperated and cooperate to advance the Arab statistical system. He also praised the great cooperation and coordination with the Presidency of the Board of Trustees for the year 2019 to manage the affairs of the Institute in both technical and administrative terms. He recalled the challenges posed to the Arab statistical agencies and the need for the Institute's contribution to overcome them as much as possible, mainly providing sustainable development data and keeping pace with technological developments in the statistical field. He thanked all regional and international partners for cooperating with the Institute, such as the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development and ESCWA, and valued the role of the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development for its financial support to the Institute.
Mr. Samir Assara, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Institute for the forty-third session, representing the Kingdom of Morocco, delivered a welcoming speech in which he thanked the Government of Jordan for its support and hosting the Institute's office and sponsoring its activities, meetings and needs in general. He welcomed the rest of the members and the audience, appreciating the role of the Institute in supporting the capabilities of Arab statistical agencies and helping them to improve the quality of production through the organization of training courses, consultations and local courses. He also emphasized the importance of the strategy that the Institute has worked to accomplish in cooperation with Paris 21 in a participatory framework, in addition to the openness of the Institute to regional and international organizations in carrying out its activities. Mr. Samir Essara thanked the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development for its financial support to the Institute.
In accordance with the system of assuming the presidency of the Board of Trustees, the presidency of the Board handed over to His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Mokhtar Ould Ahmed Sidi, Representative of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.
Several topics and reports related to the activities of the Institute were discussed, including the report of the Director General of the Institute on the functioning of the Institute during 2019, the report of the external auditor final accounts for 2018, the draft new strategy of the Institute 2020-2030 and the work plan for the period 2020-2021. The meeting also dealt with other topics of interest mainly the Institute's work plan for 2020 and the estimated budget for 2020 and the Journal of Statistical Research in addition to the proposal to amend the statute and financial system in the Institute.
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