AITRS  participated in the meeting of the Statistical Coordination Committee between the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States and specialized Arab organizations
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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

AITRS  participated in the meeting of the Statistical Coordination Committee between the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States and specialized Arab organizations on 12/11/2019 in addition to representatives from: Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, Arab Center for Studies of Arid Zones and Arid Lands (ACSAD), Arab Labor Organization, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, the Arab Organization for Industrial Development and Mining, as well as to the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States.

The proceedings of the meeting began with the adoption of the agenda, which included a number of technical and administrative topics to discuss: follow-up to the implementation of the recommendations of the Statistical Coordination Committee 2017, statistical databases of the League of Arab States, statistical activity of specialized Arab organizations for 2019, and statistical work programs for 2020. Business proposals have been discussed by specialized organizations. Where the Committee discussed the agenda items, and heard the views and interventions made by the participants and adopted recommendations on:


1. Inviting the Department of Statistics, databases and specialized Arab organizations to exchange information and data on the 2030 indicators of sustainable development in their respective fields to eliminate duplication in the request for data from Arab statistical agencies.

2- Inviting the specialized Arab organizations to provide the General Secretariat with the links of the expert databases available to them for inclusion on the Department's website.

3- Inviting Arab statistical agencies and researchers to submit to the Arab Institute for Training and Statistical Research the research carried out by them for publication in the Journal of Statistical Sciences issued by the Institute periodically and made available through the portal of the Arab Network for Information.

4. Emphasizing the importance of the participation of Arab organizations in the annual meeting of the Statistical Coordination Committee, each sending a report on its annual statistical activity and a summary of it in no more than two pages and its annual work program in no more than one page, at least one month before the scheduled meeting of the Coordination Committee. , In order to make these meetings a success and achieve their purpose.

5- Inviting the joint Arab labor institutions to send their annual statistical training programs to the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States (Department of Statistics) for circulation to Arab statistical agencies and other specialized Arab organizations in order to benefit from them.

6- Adding water resources data in the bulletins that you publish on its website.

7. The circulation of the draft Arab Standard Guide for Labor Market Statistics issued by the Arab Labor Organization to the Arab Statistical Organs for comments and to provide the Department of Statistics in the General Secretariat until the final adoption of this guide.

8- Inviting Arab statistical agencies to appoint a coordinator for the Arab project for the development of agricultural and fishery information and statistics systems during the first phase of the project 2020-2022 to be implemented by the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development.

9. Activate cooperation between the specialized Arab organizations and the Department of Statistics and Databases through:

• Supporting statistical training for Arab statistical staff

• Exchange of invitations to attend meetings and technical statistical programs.

• Exchange of annual programs and activities.

10. Requested AITRS to invite Arab organizations to participate in the statistical activities held by them, especially in new statistical topics.





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