The 40th Meeting of the Standing Technical Committee for Statistics
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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Department of Statistics and Information Databases held the 40th meeting of the Standing Technical Committee for Statistics at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States during the period 13-14 November with the participation of the Institute and representatives of Arab statistical agencies and specialized Arab organizations.In accordance with the internal regulations, the Saudi representative chaired the meeting sessions, which included a number of technical and administrative axes on the agenda, including: Follow-up to the implementation of the recommendations of the 39th meeting of the Committee and the activity of the Department of Statistics and databases between the 39th and 49th meetings of the Committee, Statistical Activity of Arab Statistical Organizations during 2018 and 2019, Reports and Recommendations of the Sub-Committees, The topics requested by the statistical agencies to be included in the Committee's agenda, the presentation of the State of Palestine for the dissemination of data using interactive and modern technologies and international standards, Arab regional and international statistical cooperation, Sustainable Development Indicators 2030 and Environment Indicators, Tourism Statistics, GCC Working Paper on Successful Experiences in Tourism Statistics, Census Developments, Presentation of the State of Palestine on New Census Implementation Practices, Statistics and Databases Program of Work for 2020, The Statistical Coordination Committee 2019 and the annual programs of work of the specialized Arab organizations, and organizations wishing to present their annual activity the items of the draft agenda of the 41st meeting of the Standing Technical Committee of Statistics. After reviewing the presentations and procedures worked on by the General Secretariat, Arab Statistical Bodies or specialized organizations, and after discussion, recommendations were made on them:

1. The importance of the presence and participation of the Arab statistical agencies in the work of the Technical Committee and the follow-up and implementation of recommendations that serve as the statistical work, and the need to contribute to the formulation of irrigation on the website of the Department of Statistics and databases and the importance of published databases and visualization to develop them.

2. The need to strengthen cooperation between statistical agencies and specialized organizations by providing the General Secretariat with annual activities for inclusion in the Committee's annual agenda and exchange of experiences.

3. Form a working group for evaluating the performance of the sub-committees and propose the development of their work, where the results are presented to the next meeting.

4. The importance of the participation of specialists in the committees according to the subject of each committee

5. Present working papers and presentations on the experiences of their countries with regard to the work of the committees.

6. Provide periodic reports on the follow-up to the implementation of the recommendations of the specialized committees.

7. Interest in participating in regional and international statistical activities in the field to improve and develop the joint Arab statistical work.

8. Cooperation and coordination with regional organizations in various statistical activities and exchange of statistical data and information

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