AITRS participated in the Regional Workshop on Supporting Food and Water Security in the Arab Region in Amman, Jordan, organized by the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) with various regional and international partners during the period 27-28 November 2019. Several important topics will be studied, including the statistical field and its importance in preparing, following up and evaluating the Arab framework for food and water security.
In this context, the Director General of the Institute, Mr. Al-Hadi Al-Saidi, gave a presentation on the role of AITRS in the field of supporting the capabilities of Arab statistical agencies, which included the definition of the Institute, its tasks and objectives, as well as the achievements of the previous five-year 2014-2018, in addition to providing the strategic framework of the Institute for the period 2020-2030 and the work program for the next two years 2020-2021, which was approved by the Board of Trustees of the Institute at its 44th annual session of 2019.
The Institute's strategic objectives include:
• Improving the statistical capacity of individuals, national statistical institutions and systems through the provision of Attendance Training and distance training, research and technical assistance.
• Develop special training programs on emerging topics in the statistical field in terms of methodologies, concepts and operational aspects such as big data.
• Find quality resources for capacity development for training and statistical research.
• Developing partnership with regional and international organizations with the aim of utilizing as much as possible the technical and financial resources allocated to them for statistical activities.
• Establish good governance principles in the work of the Institute with a view to fulfilling its regional role as best as it can be.
During the period 2020-2021, the following main themes will be focused:
• Demographic and social statistics
• Economic, agricultural and environmental statistics
• Communications and information technology
• Follow-up and reporting on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
• Leadership in the statistical field and management of information
The Institute called on all partners to cooperate with it at the technical, financial and logistical levels with a view to contributing effectively to strengthening the capacities of Arab statistical offices to respond to the increasing demands in the statistical fields from all users.
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