Mr. Hadi Al-Saidi, Director General of the Institute, held a meeting with Dr. Ghazi Ibrahim Rahho, General Secretary of the Arab Statistical Union
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Monday, December 2, 2019


Mr. Hadi Al-Saidi, Director General of the Institute, held a meeting with Dr. Ghazi Ibrahim Rahho, General Secretary of the Arab Statistical Union, on the second day of December 2019, to discuss topics related to the seventh scientific conference which will be organized by the Union during the month of July 2020 in Palestine. It has been pointed out the need to urge researchers, especially young people, to support the conference scientific and statistical research in various subjects and areas of economic, scientific, social, health and medical.  They agreed to further publicize the conference with Arab statistical agencies, universities and research centers. The two sides also discussed some logistical issues related to the conference in terms of inviting and receiving participants and providing the appropriate conditions for the conference. Director General of the Institute stressed on the role of AITRS in the success of all Arab statistical activities and its readiness to help the Union to overcome the problems in terms of providing research and evaluation, as well as urging researchers to participate actively in the conference. The General Secretary of the Union praised on the role of AITRS in the success of this conference by adopting the promotion, publishing and publicizing the conference on the website of the Institute as well as providing logistical support by linking contacts with colleagues in Arab statistical agencies.

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